Meta — Threads

Meta has recently launched a new app that competes with Twitter that is linked directly from Instagram. The app encourages users to share their thoughts, images and videos which can be replied to or "re-threaded" by other users.


Target Audience

Instagram and Twitter users.

Single Minded Proposition

"Become a thread-head today."


“…or is it just me?”


Instagram story adverisement.

Tone of Voice

Inclusive, informal, and fun

Threads provide a more intimate experience as it automatically connects users with their mutuals. Users tend to perceive Threads as a safe space where they can share their thoughts without any judgment. We want to emphasize that Threads is non-judgmental and encourages its users to freely express their views and opinions.

Big Idea

Apple — AirPods Pro

The Royals Quick Brief

Ageism is one of the most widespread forms of everyday prejudice. Advertising isn't immune, often excluding older people or portraying them in bland or even offensive ways.


Target Audience

Older Australians aged 70+. In the swinging 60s they were in their formative years, in the 70s punk era they were coming of age. They're interested, interesting, worldy, quirky, big-hearted, oddball individuals. Let's treat 'em like it.

Single Minded Proposition

This brand thinks boomers are the next big thing.

Tone of Voice

Spirited, spunky and real.

Interactive OOH advertisements: Billboards located at tram/bus stop, train station, garden, museum, and art gallery.


Seniors can connect their smartphone to the billboard via AirPods Pro and listen to snippets of classic songs. The music that is installed in the billboard are musics that are released before 2000

Big Idea

Google AI

Google has recently embraced the power of Al to generate ad solutions for businesses seeking to use Google to advertise their businesses. The Al can generate copy, visual stills, identify a target audience and communicate to said target audience accordingly.


Target Audience

Small E-commerce businesses that rely on services such as Google to grow their business.


YouTube pre-roll advertisement.

Single Minded Proposition

"Allow Al to spread the word", or one of your own choosing."


collaborated with Margaritha Jesslyn

The LEGO® brand plays a big role in many kids’ lives. It invites them to imagine, build and play out whatever they have in their creative minds and it inspires everyone to see the world in new and playful ways. However, there comes a stage when toys get forgotten. Leaving this sense of play and creativity behind, teenagers can lose their sense of imagination which has a knock-on effect on the potential to inspire important change.


Teenagers anywhere in the world aged 13-18 years old. It needs to encourage and inspire teens, who have advanced into new creative spaces such as music, film, sport and fashion etc.

Target Audience

Single Minded Proposition

‘Rebuild the World’ of teenage creativity.

Australian Government

Elon Musk believes the greatest risk to mankind is extinction through declining population rates. Birth rates across the globe have been decreasing for the last 70 years, with a total 50% decline. Reasons include women's empowerment in education and the workforce, lower child mortality and the increased cost of raising children. Lower fertility rates, coupled with increased life expectancies are creating an aging population which puts pressure on healthcare systems globally. In a world of rising costs and political and environmental turmoil, we need to increase procreation.


Target Audience

Millenials and Gen Z.

Single Minded Proposition

Save the planet through procreation!


Video Advertisements (TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube).

There are many successful people all around the world, popular singers, artists, presidents, businessmen, and many more. They all have one thing in common, it is being birthed by their biological mother. If their mother didn’t want to have a kid, they wouldn’t even exist in this world. That is why deciding to have a child is something that people need to highly consider. You wouldn’t know if your daughter is gonna be the next Beyonce!

A campaign of “What If…”, “What if your daughter becomes the next Beyonce?” “What if your son becomes the next Barack Obama?”.

Big Idea


